Green Homeland

Green Development
Green Operation
Green Ecological Restoration

The Group continuously promotes the low-carbon transformation and sustainability of property management through green operation measures. We are committed to creating a green service brand. Poly Property Management and Poly (Hong Kong) Property Management shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection in the operation and management process, strictly comply with environmental laws and regulations, and engage in green operation management, having passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification.

Green Buildings

We promise that 100% of newly acquired projects will be designed in accordance with the basic requirements of Chinese green buildings.

Shanghai Poly Center Manor Project

Ultra-low energy consumption building

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Shanghai Poly Serene Centro

Nearly-zero energy consumption building

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Shanghai Lanzhou Road Project

Nearly-zero energy consumption building

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Shanghai Poly Impression Qingcheng

Nearly-zero energy consumption building

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Jinan Poly Vibe Centro Project

Green three-star building

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Hong Kong Langyu

Green building, environmental impact assessment, and new construction

Silver rating under BEAM Plus New Building (V1.2)

Green Building Material

We preferentially select low-consumption, low-energy, non-polluting, and multifunctional building materials on the basis of ensuring high quality. In 2023, we raised higher requirements for green building materials and explored the application of green building materials.

Application of Green Building Materials

More environmentally-friendly high molecular coiled materials, polyurethane coatings with the lower volatile substance content, and other materials are used as waterproofing materials.

Integrated insulation boards for exterior walls are used to improve thermal insulation performance of buildings.

We require the use of environmentally-friendly refrigerants R410A for multi-split air conditioners, and the refrigerants are non-toxic, chlorine-free, safer and healthier, without damage to the ozone layer.

Green Technology

Prefabricated Technology

In terms of construction technology, we are gradually forging a standardized design and production system of prefabricated buildings, through which we use standardized components and parts on a larger scale to improve the overall benefits of prefabricated buildings. In the application of prefabricated building technology, we continuously adopt and practice new technological standards to improve project quality and efficiency and drive green development.

BIM Technology

We comprehensively promote the application of BIM technology across the Group. Through digital collaboration, we can better verify design drawings, reduce design errors and omissions, improve communication efficiency, and comprehensively improve construction progress and management efficiency. In the design and planning process, we constantly strengthen environmental analysis and economical utilization of materials and resources. During 2023, we achieved fine management of projects through comprehensive BIM application for underground pipelines and the interior BIM application for finely decorated houses.

The Group attaches great importance to green operation and management in commercial leasing, property management services, hotel management, daily office and so on. In the operation process, we constantly improve the environmental management system, and strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction, resource conservation, and waste management. We are committed to helping build a resource-saving and environmentally friendly society.

Green Leasing

To vigorously promote green leasing and improve the level of sustainable business operations, the Group constantly explores the green business management model, and requires tenants to comply with environmental laws and regulations at national and industrial level. Throughout the lease period, we help tenants to deliver green and low-carbon development in daily operations, improving their environmental performance in aspects such as energy saving, water conservation and waste discharge reduction.

Decoration by Tenants

We have formulated the Decoration Management Guide to regulate and guide tenants' decoration behaviors. The tenants are required to strictly control energy and water consumption, waste emissions, noise, etc., so as to achieve green construction during the decoration period. Before the entry of construction site, the construction unit must sign the Construction Instructions, in which the construction period and time of construction with noise are indicated, to reduce and prevent the impact of construction noise on customers and residents. The waste generated at the construction site must be packaged and transported to a designated area along the specified route for stockpiling, and then transferred to the designated site for disposal in a timely manner. It is required to ensure cleanliness of public areas along the transportation routes.

Energy-saving Management in Leasing Operation

Attaching great importance to resource management, the Group achieves energy conservation and emission reduction by taking measures such as reasonably arranging the time of using equipment and facilities and improves water resource utilization efficiency through methods such as using intelligent equipment, contributing to green and low-carbon operation.

Green Property

The Group continuously promotes the low-carbon transformation and sustainability of property management through green operation measures. We are committed to creating a green service brand. Poly Property Management and Poly (Hong Kong) Property Management shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection in the operation and management process, strictly comply with environmental laws and regulations, and engage in green operation management, having passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification.

Polycrystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

For the Project, a total of 421 photovoltaic cell panels with a total area of 2,000 square meters are installed. Under stable sunshine conditions, the daily comprehensive power generation capacity is about 103 kilowatt-hours, and the annual comprehensive power generation capacity is about 90,000 kilowatt-hours. The photovoltaic cells convert luminous energy into electrical energy through inverters, and use of green energy is achieved through grid connection.

Technical Transformation of Reclaimed Water Station Project

Poly Property Management repaired and transformed the Reclaimed Water Station of the Anning Sunny Lake & Splendid Life, which increased the daily reclaimed water treatment capacity from 10 cubic meters to over 25 cubic meters, effectively ensuring watering for greening and enhancing water resource recycling.

Green Hotel

The Group is committed to establishing a sound low-carbon and resource-saving green eco-service system, and continuously improving the level of hotel green operation and management. Poly Business and Tourism has taken a series of environmental protection measures to reduce resource consumption and environmental impact in hotel operations. We try the best to build green hotels, create a green brand image of environmental protection, and spread the concept of environmental protection to every guest.

Energy-saving measures for hotel management

We analyze energy consumption on a monthly basis, and compare and control the deviation in actual energy consumption and budget according to the hotel occupancy rate, climate conditions, energy-saving management situation and other factors.

In terms of lean management, each hotel of ours pushes forward the work of normalized energy saving, equipment transformation, etc. For example, Guiyang Hotel has caried out the variable-frequency energy-saving transformation of the central air conditioning system and grouped control transformation of decorative lighting fixtures installed in hotel corridors.

Water-saving measures for hotel management

Each hotel has gradually installed water-saving devices according to room conditions and maintenance plans.

All public areas are equipped with water-saving faucets.

Water-saving management is strictly conducted in dining rooms and kitchen areas.

Waste management measures

We widely publicize waste classification knowledge and place classified dustbins on each floor. We conduct monthly inspections of waste classification to identify problems in a timely manner, and urge rectification.

We strictly control the distribution and of detergents and enhance employees’ awareness of environmental protection through conservation awareness training.

Construction waste is packaged, transported and treated in strict accordance with requirements

Green Office

The Group has incorporated green and environmental protection concepts into the business philosophy. Advocating green and low-carbon office, we encourage all employees to actively participate in the actions of smart office, energy conservation, consumption reduction, resource saving, and green commuting, etc. We are committed to creating a healthy, economical, low-carbon, environmentally friendly, and comfortable office environment, and building an environmentally friendly enterprise.

Smart Office

We continuously optimize the integration of approval processes based on the OA office platform, and process documents with electronic signatures, improving efficiency and compliance and reducing paper consumption.

We synchronize the display of meeting materials through the file sharing platform, which avoids printing and significantly reduces the use of meeting paper.

We further promote paperless office, and achieve efficient and standardized management through online registration and signing

Energy conservation and consumption reduction

We encourage employees to turn off office lights, air conditioners, computers, and other electrical equipment when leaving the office.

After the meeting, we promptly turn off the large screen and lighting equipment in the meeting room, and clean out expired items in the refrigerator. Besides, property management personnel inspect the building every two hours to ensure the implementation of power-saving measures.

Based on the normalized collection and analysis of energy consumption data, we promptly identify abnormal situations, analyze the causes, and put forward corrective measures.

Resource conservation

Sensor faucets are installed in all washrooms, to achieve intelligent water saving.

We encourage employees to bring their own cups filled with water when attending departmental meetings to reduce the use of bottled water.

Optimizing the paper size and weight, we promote double-sided printing of documents, to reduce paper consumption A wastebasket is placed in the printing room of each floor to effectively use waste paper and used paper.

We prioritize the use of idle office furniture in office areas to reduce both costs and decoration pollution and protect the ecological environment.

Green commuting

We prioritize the purchase of NEVs as official business vehicles to reduce carbon emissions.

We review the standards for booking business air tickets and hotels and further emphasize strict enforcement.

We encourage employees to commute by public transportation.

In active response to the national "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategy and ecological conservation policies, the Group adheres to the concept of sustainable development, and has incorporated the green investment concept into the Group's strategic planning and the entire life cycle of real estate projects. To effectively implement the green investment concept, promote the benign development of land, prevent ecological damage, and protect biodiversity, we try to avoid the development and construction in farmland, green land, and national nature reserves. In the process of project development, we actively push forward the work of land improvement and ecological restoration to create a beautiful living environment.

Guizhou Park 2010 Project

Supporting Public Green Space Lvgu Park – Land Improvement Outside the Building Line

The supporting public green space Lvgu Park of our Guizhou Park 2010 project, with a total area of approximately 40,000 square meters, was opened in July 2023. It was originally a derelict grassy area between Poly Property construction sites, filled with messy vegetation, and could not be used by residents in the neighborhood. Actively shouldering social responsibilities, we improved the gray space between the construction sites while ensuring the housing construction within the building line. By integrating natural elements into the site, and adding living scenes, we have created a parkland with slow rhythm of life where nearby residents can ramble, play with children, appreciate natural scenery, do fitness exercises, gather and exchange, etc.

Wanning Poly Peninsula No.1 Project

Ecological Restoration of Hainan Laoye Sea Coastline

The Ecological Restoration Project of Hainan Laoye Sea Coastline is located in the coastal area of Laoye Sea (inland sea) on the Shenzhou Peninsula in Wanning City, Hainan Province, with a coastline length of about 500 meters. While constructing the residence within our site, Poly Property actively assisted the local government in multiple beach cleaning and marine protection actions, and gradually demolished illegal buildings for fish farming in the seaward area of the project. Besides, through ecological restoration and comprehensive improvement according to local conditions, we have changed the original wasteland into a coastal park with local vacation style and living atmosphere, making contributions to the improvement of local communities and natural resources.

Hainan Laoye Sea Coastline (before restoration)

Hainan Laoye Sea Coastline (after restoration)